Monday, June 25, 2012

Airport runs

Yesterday I took my youngest child (she's 15) to Logan Airport. 
She's 15 and going to visit her Grammy for 2 weeks in Indiana.  Part of that time, it will be just her and my mom -- which is wonderful.  They will kayak and play Skip-Bo and maybe have a few rousting games of UNO. My mom will cook Reid whatever she asks for which will be a treat for her I'm sure.
The second week, my sister from Seattle and her husband and kids will be there --also my brother Scott and his wife.  Scott will drive the speedboat so that everyone can have a chance to go tubing or water skiing.

Taking Reid to Logan, I just pulled up at the Delta DEPARTURES curb, gave her a hug and let her get out. We had discussed what she needed to do.  She had a boarding pass and a school ID.  I didn't go in. I didn't cry.  I felt happy for her.  Plus -  I was sort of in a rush to get to work, but who am I kidding. Going into an airport to hold her hand and walk her to a security gate wouldn't ever be my thing. (don't get me wrong if she was 11 I might have) I say this in as nurturing a way as I can be, I just don't do that stuff.   Then I started to turn it over in my head, what is up w me?  A "good" mom would have gone in, walked her to the ticket counter, made sure she was heading in the right direction. (this is how my inner dialogue goes sometimes- so i shut it down and turned up some Springsteen. )

I texted Reid this when I got to work this message.
You are awesome.  I'm so proud of you, you're exactly the kind of daughter I wanted....self sufficient.  Have fun.

She replied.
Don't go all sentimental on me now.  I'm looking for food.

The perfect response for one of mine --my kids ARE super independent.
I already know she's heading in the right direction. 

PS.....i wish i didn't close my eyes here, really its a fabulous shot of the other two girls....

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