Today I MUST think about my garden. It has become a weed patch. It's sad really.
I had such high hopes of its possibility as a tranquil space. I've got such a great view of it from my kitchen window. It's nestled against the back edge of my tiny backyard. I used rocks to edge it about 3 years ago. I had hoped to peer out upon it and think good thoughts and write crisp clear sentences, maybe somewhat flowery sentences -- but this is its current state. Terrible, a wreck, a travesty -- I KNOW....I don't need reminding.
I look at it and think --But I ran a triathlon! I play the guitar! I make my own pasta. I have 3 kids. Bleck, it still stinks. I'm sure there is poison ivy in there. So if I do choose to tackle it, I may be bumpy and itchy and pissy about it for weeks. What to do, what to do? Write a check? But to whom?
But on a more positive note, there is my entryway garden. It's all perennials - it's overgrown in the English country garden way and its shaping up - as it usually does - pretty well. The day lilies - the ones that are going to be orange when they open any day now are practically as tall as me. I divide them every year and they just get stronger and stronger.
There are giant patches of shasta daisies and coneflowers. My boss Amy divided her shasta daisies this weekend so I have a whole pile (in a Talbots bag) of those to add to the mix. I'm not much of a botanist, I don't know the invasives from the natives....I think a bunch of the "ground cover" as Marcia calls it, is some sort of invasive plant. I'm apparently not much of a gardener either....
Here's what it should look like in a few weeks. There are colorful limbs shooting out all over the place. See those orange lilies - they are taller than me this year, pinky swear. It's really prettier than this picture leads you to believe. This reminds me, I need to move my bicycle. Aidan threatened to use it to get somewhere and that almost put me in a panic. Happy Gardening --- I find I'm hoping for rain to postpone this punishment.
i too have been a procrastinator in the gareden department. today we go boating... maybe tomorrow??