Sunday, March 24, 2013

Small town, big fun!

Just a brief follow up on the girls weekend in Indy.
First off, it almost DIDN'T happen!  A bully of a storm rolled into New England just as my Delta Flight was scheduled to leave.  I ended up getting out of Boston a day early on American & flew to Chicago instead of Indy. I'm lucky to have a friend who picked me up on a moment's (ok she had four hours) notice at O'hare, and we started our weekend a day in advance.

Because of the reroute through Chicago, I got to spend a little time in the town I grew up in - Crown Point, INDIANA.   Here's me at the beautiful Court House on our town square.  Kris (my driver) and I went to the McDonald's where we used to ride our bikes on Saturday mornings to get french fries with our babysitting loot.  The large fries in the red cardboard container seemed so much bigger then!   But I digress.  The McDonald's has a lot of history for Kris and I, there were the giant fries of course, but also an unfortunate bicycle crash that took place in the parking lot when I was 11.  We laugh about this now, but my three speed suffered major damage. (and my ego)  There was an additional incident when I wrote a boys name on the bathroom wall and was later confronted by the boy's MOTHER!  It went something like "I don't like seeing my son's name on a bathroom wall."  Agreed.  I was a complete dork.

Back to girls weekend.  How much fun is it possible to have?  We had it.  It's amazing to have these women in my life who I've known since GRADE SCHOOL.  We always just fall right back to where we left off and it is totally amazing.

Here is a shot of us at the Ratskeller pub in Indy.  We pretended we were 25 again, even though we're that plus 20!  We chatted up the band!  And took photos with them.  There was a lot of alcohol and dancing.  And late night back at the hotel, I think I ate an entire pizza! 

My luggage packing skills are still suspect.  My girlfriend Mary kept trying to keep me organized, as every belonging inside the bag spilled out all over Michelle's floor.   I'm a hopeless traveler. I never think much of my "skills" in this area until I'm with people who are actually organized, and then I know I'm a complete mess.  Luckily, these ladies don't judge.  I did lose a few socks, that reminds me to call Michelle and see if she found them.

I can't report too much on all the happenings of the weekend, that would be like kissing and telling.  But suffice it to say, I was very happy.  Have you danced lately?  Have you danced lately to songs you have NO IDEA what the lyrics are and you just keep saying TRUCK DRIVER, TRUCK DRIVER.  That's what I do. It's totally acceptable.

So my last word on the weekend is this... if you have friends that have been in your life for most of it, make every effort to keep them in it.  

You'll be the better for it!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Truck driver, truck driver.... ;)

    Now I have to call my girls and plan a weekend.
